HÖRMANN Warnsysteme in the final of the EOY Award 2024

Anna Hörmann in the final of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2024

Our Managing Director Anna Hörmann has been nominated as a finalist for the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award in the Family Business category. There is also a second award, the Audience Award. You can vote for Anna Hörmann and HÖRMANN Warnsysteme under the following link: https://manager-magazin.de/publikumsvoting

SFC Energy und HÖRMANN  Warnsysteme start a pilot project with fuel cells

HÖRMANN Warnsysteme und SFC Energy present an innovative pilot project for securing the emergency power supply of siren warning systems using fuel cells

HÖRMANN Warnsysteme, a leading manufacturer of siren warning systems, and SFC Energy AG (‘SFC’, F3C:DE, ISIN: DE0007568578), a leading supplier of hydrogen and methanol fuel cells for stationary, portable and mobile hybrid power solutions, have launched a joint pilot project. Fuel cells will ensure the long-term emergency power supply of siren warning systems as part of a critical infrastructure.

New Video: How does an electronic siren work

New Video: How does an electronic siren work

Sirens warn people of hazards. This is why more and more authorities are installing sirens to warn the population of tsunamis, floods and other natural disasters. But how does an electronic siren work? We explain it in this short video.

HÖRMANN Warnsysteme is now a member of the German Fire Brigade Association's sponsoring organisation

HÖRMANN Warnsysteme is now a member of the German Fire Brigade Association's sponsoring organisation

HÖRMANN Warnsysteme has been a member of the German Fire Service Association's Sponsors' Circle since March 2024. At the members' meeting in Berlin, DFV President Karl-Heinz Banse and Federal Managing Director Rudolf Römer officially presented HÖRMANN Warnsysteme Managing Director Anna Hörmann with the certificate of sponsoring membership.

HÖRMANN's siren expertes met in Stade, Germany

HÖRMANN's siren experts met in Stade

Siren experts among themselves: The project managers, branch managers and production managers from HÖRMANN Warnsysteme met at the Stade site in mid-March for the annual siren conference.

Siren at HÖRMANN headquarter in Kirchseeon

German states of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia declare warning day on March 14th

A state-wide warning day has been declared in Bavaria and NRW on 14 March 2024. The warning devices will be tested at 11 a.m., including the sirens.

The mayor of Zwönitz congratulates HÖRMANN Warnsysteme to our 10th anniversary

Ten years of innovative strength at the Zwönitz site

On Wednesday, January 10th, the mayor of Zwönitz, Wolfgang Triebert (pictured right), paid a visit to our branch on site. He congratulated HÖRMANN Warnsysteme on the company's 10th anniversary. 


Another 30 million euros in funding from the federal government for the expansion of the siren network.

German government funds sirens with another 30 Mio Euro

Budget Committee of the German Bundestag decides: Another 30 million euros in funding from the federal government for the expansion of the German siren network.

Weltweiter Tsunami Awareness Day 2023

Save the date - 5th November - World Tsunami Awareness Day 2023

Am Warntag 2023 heulten wieder mehr Sirenen

Warning Day 2023: More sirens than last year - Cell Broadcast reaches more people

Das Fazit zum Warntag 2023: Mehr Sirenen als letztes Jahr – Cell Broadcast erreicht mehr Personen

Topping-out ceremony in Stade sets another milestone in the successful development of HÖRMANN Warnsysteme

Topping-out ceremony in Stade sets another milestone in the successful development of HÖRMANN Warnsysteme

24. Juni 2023 – Tag des Bevölkerungsschutzes mit Probewarnung

June 24, 2023 - Civil Protection Day with rehearsal warning in Germany

130 Sirenenwarnsysteme für Saarlouis

The district of Saarlouis, Germany, is expanding its siren warning system

TÜV certification for the mobile siren MOBELA

TÜV certification for the mobile siren MOBELA

MOBELA 150-DII, the mobile siren from HÖRMANN Warnsysteme, is now the only mobile siren we know of that has been certified by TÜV. The TÜV is the technical supervisory association in Germany. The certification confirms that the siren remains firmly on the roof of the vehicle at speeds of up to 130 km/h.

Die HÖRMANN Raute – Symbol einer langjährigen Sirenengeschichte

The HÖRMANN rhombus - symbol of a long-standing siren story

HÖRMANN und die Raute – schon seit Jahrzehnten begleitet die Raute im Logo das Unternehmen HÖRMANN. Haben Sie sich schon einmal überlegt, was die HÖRMANN Raute zu bedeuten hat?

ECN-D High performance outdoor sirens for Bad Reichenhall

New ECN-D sirens for Bad Reichenhall

Bad Reichenhall hat sein Sirenenwarnsystem ausgebaut und digitalisiert. Eine Besonderheit war die Installation auf 20m hohen Masten.

Volcanic eruption in Vanuatu - sirens warn in case of tsunamis

Volcanic eruption in Vanuatu - sirens warn in case of tsunamis

Yesterday an underwater volcano erupted in Vanuatu. To warn the population in time of the danger of a tsunami, the government relies on sirens from HÖRMANN Warnsysteme. Read more about the tsunami early warning system of Vanuatu in our case study.


More outdoor sirens are sounding in Germany since 2022

Looking back at 2022 - significantly more sirens are now sounding in Germany

For us as a leading manufacturer of siren warning systems, the German-wide Warning Day in December 2022 was a particularly important event. Would the increased efforts of the federal and state governments to expand population warning bear fruit? What is the status of the outdoor siren in the warning mix?


Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year 2023 !

The year 2022 was the year of the electronic siren. Not only in Germany were many new siren warning systems installed, but also worldwide authorities increasingly rely on electronic sirens as the first means of warning the population.

We wish you a good, healthy and successful year 2023

Muellner says goodbye

"Müllner says goodbye"

With funny anecdotes from more than 30 years of life for the siren, the long-time managing director of HÖRMANN Warnsysteme GmbH, Dipl. Ing. Matthias Müllner, said goodbye.

Nationwide warning day - electronic sirens sound across Germany

Nationwide warning day 2022 - sirens sound across Germany

On December 8, 2022, population warning devices were tested across Germany. The sirens also sounded at our headquarters in Kirchseeon. 

Alerting in comparison: When to choose loudspeaker or siren?

Alerting in comparison: When to choose loudspeaker or siren?

Both make noise and both can be used to alert and inform. But which warning device makes sense when? We have briefly summarized the differences between loudspeakers and sirens.

Video zeigt, warum Staudammwarnsysteme Sirenen brauchen

Why hydro dams need sirens (Video)

Unser neuestes Video zeigt: Sirenen sind ideale Warnsysteme für Staudämme. Sie warnen die Menschen flussabwärts schnell und eindeutig vor den Wassermassen, die durch kontrolliertes Ablassen oder im schlimmsten Fall durch einen Dammbruch ins Tal fließen. Weltweit vertrauen Betreiber von Wasserkraftwerken deshalb auf die Sirenenwarnsysteme von HÖRMANN Warnsysteme.

Solar power supply with battery buffering makes electronic sirens self-sufficient and independent of the location

Solar power supply with battery buffering makes electronic sirens self-sufficient and independent of the location

When setting up a siren warning system, independence from the power grid is often required. There are many reasons for this. Often, the optimal location is simply not connected to the power grid and it would be too costly to set up an independent grid connection. Or self-sufficient operation is deliberately desired.

Anna Hörmann neu in der Geschäftsführung der HÖRMANN Warnsysteme GmbH

Anna Hörmann joins the management board of HÖRMANN Warnsysteme GmbH

The town of Limbach tested its new siren warning system

Siren warning - the German town of Limbach tested its successfully its new siren warning system

Today at 3 p.m., the German town of Limbach-Oberfrohna tested its siren warning system. In addition to the siren alarm, recorded voice texts were played and subjected to a perception test. Everything went off to the utmost satisfaction.


Volcanic eruption near Tonga - Ecuador sets off electronic sirens

Volcanic eruption near Tonga - Ecuador sets off electronic sirens

Presentation: Siren warning with TETRA in Germany

Siren warning in Germany - we are at the forefront of developments

A happy new year 2022 - stay healthy

We wish you a happy and successful new year


Experts for disaster management meet at PMR Expo

Experts for disaster management met at this years PMR Expo

The PMR Expo took place in Cologne as an industry meeting place for fire protection and disaster control. As a leading provider of siren warning systems, we were of course also on site with a stand. 

Siren warning system for oil fields in Algeria

Siren warning system for oil fields in Algeria

151 sirens from HÖRMANN warning systems were installed in the oil fields of the company Région de Transport Haoud el hamra (RTH), a subsidiary of SONTRACH in Algeria. The sirens of type ECN2400-D were specially adapted to the local requirements by the German market leader for siren warning systems.

Sirens are in Singapore the warning system of choice

In the island state of Singapore, electronic sirens have been the warning system of choice since 1993. Integrated into the public broadcasting service, they are at the very beginning of the warning chain with their alarm function.

How to use sirens for flood warning

The city of Grimma, Germany, is currently often cited as a positive example of a mature flood warning system. After two flood disasters, those responsible reacted. In addition to a mechanical protection system, a warning system was set up to alert the public in case of floods.

The City of Ludwigshafen brings its siren network up to date

The City of Ludwigshafen brings its siren network up to date

HÖRMANN Warnsysteme GmbH has received an order from the city of Ludwigshafen to modernize its siren network, which until now has largely consisted of electromechanical sirens.

dam siren hydro power plant romania

The Romanian energy company Hidroelectrica relies on sirens from HÖRMANN warning systems to ensure dam safety

Reliable warning of the population of the dangers posed by the hydroelectric power plant dam.

Public warning system Haiti

HÖRMANN Warnsysteme built a Public Warning System for Haiti

Outdoor Sirens „made in Germany” warn and inform the public in case of natural disasters

Lukas Heerich and the Siren - "Rise / Fall" art installation

The beauty in functionality - Lukas Heerich and the Siren - "Rise / Fall" art installation




Teaser Interschutz postponed - digital exhibition folder and alternative consulting

INTERSCHUTZ postponed - HÖRMANN Warnsysteme provide alternatives

INTERSCHUTZ, the world's leading trade fair for fire brigades, rescue services, civil protection and safety has now been postponed for the second time and is not scheduled to take place again until 2022. HÖRMANN Warnsysteme will definitely be there. Until then, the new products and siren systems will be presented in a different setting, including a digital trade fair folder and an intensive online consulting, because the need for advice is greater than ever.

Siren control center defies large fire in Swedish fire station

Siren control center defies large fire in Swedish fire station

In mid-October, the fire station in Hörby, Sweden, was ablaze. Everything was destroyed. Only the siren control center, part of the nationwide population warning system, was still operational. The consistent implementation of the strict customer specifications by Hörmann Warnsysteme during the construction of the siren control center ensured that neither the PC with the siren control software nor the cabinet with the electronics were damaged by fire, ash and heat.

HÖRMANN Warnsysteme keeps its electronic sirens safely on during the crisis

Covid-19 may partially paralyze the economy, but natural disasters do not prevent the virus. The need for electronic sirens from HÖRMANN Warnsysteme remains little affected by this crisis. The team of the siren pioneer continues to supply and support customers as before the crisis. After all, if sirens are needed, they must be delivered quickly and once they are installed, they must work. The bigger problem for the company is the shortage of staff.

HÖRMANN Warnsysteme enters the Brazilian market

The Brazilian mine operator Vallourec has equipped its iron ore mine near the Brazilian town Brumadinho with a modern outdoor siren warning system from HÖRMANN Warnsysteme GmbH. The electronic sirens are designed to warn employees and the population in good time of dangers such as a possible dam breach. In January 2019, an accident in another mine in this area caused hundreds of people to die in a mudslide. The warning system is said to have failed. For this reason, Vallourec decided to use the electronic sirens from HÖRMANN Warnsysteme, which are installed in numerous countries around the world and known to be extremely reliable. For the German manufacturer, this was the first installation in Brazil.

Fire brigade Bozen enforces curfew with mobile siren since yesterday

Since yesterday, the municipality of Bolzano has been using a mobile siren from HÖRMANN warning systems to enforce the curfew on the population. They were not deterred by the horrific reports of thousands of dead and tens of infected people. The people had to be taken off the streets as quickly as possible. A mobile siren with announcement function was urgently needed. HÖRMANN Warnsysteme pulled out all the stops to deliver the siren to the South Tyrolean capital as quickly as possible.